Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"Sugarman" Chocolate Stout Review

Here's a review of the latest homebrew I have been enjoying.

Look:  DEEP brown. Almost black. Very rich color. Brownish head that looks lush but dissipates quickly leaving behind little lacing.

Aroma:  Surprisingly, the overwhelming aroma I get is of coffee. A little bit of roastiness and mocha comes through too.

Taste:  Very sweet to start. A punch of sweetness that mellows out to a roasty character with some bready overtones. Slight bitterness rounds out flavor. Slight bitter chocolate flavor, but without knowing this is a “chocolate” stout, I probably wouldn’t peg it as such. Some coffee notes come through as well. On the not so nice side of things, I can taste some astringency and some fusel alcohol flavors.

Feel:  Has a bit of a bite to it. Not as velvety as a lot of other stouts I have had. Leaves a sharp feeling in the mouth.

Overall I think this was a good first effort. Definitely could be much better. Fermenting at lower temperature would probably be key, but not necessarily easy for me to accomplish in Austin during the summer. I may have to revisit this one when the weather cools off a little bit.

For those interested, here's the recipe:

Recipe Name:         "Sugarman" Chocolate Stout

Recipe Volume:      5 gallons

Yeast:                     White Labs WLP004 Irish Ale

Malt:AmountGravity Points
1. Pale malt extract (DME) in boil3.3 lbs.42
2. Pale malt extract (DME) at knockout3.3 lbs.42
3. Crystal 60 malt0.5 lb.3
4. Roasted barley0.5 lb.4
5. Chocolate malt0.5 lb.3

Calculated Original Gravity            1.063
Caclulated Boil Gravity                   1.044
Measured Original Gravity             1.068

Hops:AmountBoil TimeIBUs
1. Nugget (13.3%)0.75 oz.6037
2. Fuggle (4.5%)1 oz.3013

Calculated IBUs          49

- Heat 1 gallon of water to 150-160 F, add Crystal 60, roasted barley, and chocolate malt. Steep for 30 minutes (maintaining temperature is not vital in this stage). Remove grain bag and let drain.
- Add 3 gallons of water, bring to a boil, then turn off heat and stir in 3.3 lbs. DME
- Return to boil and add 0.75 oz. Nugget hops
- Boil 30 minutes, and then add 1 oz. Fuggle hops
- Boil 15 minutes, and then add 1 tsp. yeast nutrient
- Boil 15 minutes, then add 3.3 lbs. extract, let sit 10 minutes to pasteurize
- Add 1.5 gallons chilled sterilized water
- Chill wort to 75 F in ice water bath
- Add wort to fermenter
- Pitch yeast

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