Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Summer pale ale

Appearance:  Light orange, somewhat golden. Some white head with moderate staying power. Some lacing. Slightly hazy (probably should have cold crashed longer).

Aroma:  Fruity aromas. Apricot, mango, and grapefruit prevalent. Very fresh smelling. Sticky sweet aroma possibly due to coalescence of malty and fruity (hoppy) aromas.

Taste:  Very well balanced! Malty up front, that fades to sweet and fruity aftertaste. Smooth throughout. Grapefruit and honey notes distinctly present. The more I drink it, the more the malty flavors come forth and hoppy flavors blend into a general bitterness. It would be nice if those fruity notes could last throughout the entire glass (next time I will replace Warrior hops with Citra - maybe that will help).

Mouthfeel:  Medium body. Medium-low cabonation. Might benefit from a bit more carbonation. Easy drinking. I could polish off quite a few of these in one sitting.

Recipe Name:         Summer pale ale

Recipe Volume:      5 gallons

Yeast:                     White Labs WLP001 American Ale

1. 2-row malt7 lbs.
2. 6-row malt1 lb.
3. Honey malt8 oz.
4. Acid malt2 oz.

Brewhouse Efficiency            70%
Calculated Original Gravity            1.045
Caclulated Boil Gravity                   1.036
Measured Original Gravity             1.044
Measured Final Gravity             1.009

Hops:AmountBoil TimeIBUs
1. Warrior (15.7%)0.25 oz.209
2. Cascade (6.3%)0.5 oz.156
3. Summer (5.8%)0.5 oz.156
4. Cascade (6.3%)0.5 oz.52
5. Summer (5.8%)0.5 oz.52
6. Summer (5.8%)0.5 oz.00
7. Summer (5.8%)0.5 oz.Dry hop
8. Warrior (15.7%)0.5 oz.Dry hop

Calculated IBUs          26

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