Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Grapefruit pale ale

It's been a while since I have put up a post on this blog. I have been very busy with some other things in my life. I have still been brewing, but just haven't had time to organize everything into a post. Hopefully more will be on the way. I am getting into brewing sour beers now though, so it might be a little while. Anyway, here are my thoughts on the grapefruit ale that I finished about a month ago.

Appearance:  Amber to golden brown color. Very little head that dissipates quickly leaving behind little lacing. I would like more staying power - might want to add some Carapils next time around.

Aroma:  Lots of grapefruit! Sticky sweet aroma. All fruit, I can't smell any distinct hop character or maltiness.

Taste:  Very heavy on the citrus. I can't tell if this aspect is coming mostly from the hops or from the juice I added. I think both in relatively equal proportions. Neutral malt backbone. No apparent off flavors.

Mouthfeel:  Medium-low carbonation. No effervesence. Clean finish.

Overall:  I am very proud of this one. I feel like I got exactly what I was gunning for.

Recipe Name:         Grapefruit Pale Ale

Recipe Volume:      5 gallons

Yeast:                     White Labs WLP060 American Ale Blend

1. 2-row malt7.5 lbs.
2. 6-row malt1 lb.
3. Crystal 600.5 lb.
4. Munich malt0.5 lb.
5. Vienna malt0.5 lb.
6. Acid malt0.25 lb.

Brewhouse Efficiency                      70%
Calculated Original Gravity            1.058
Caclulated Boil Gravity                   1.046
Measured Boil Gravity                    1.053

Hops/Additives:AmountBoil TimeIBUs
1. Chinook (12%)0.5 oz.6021
2. Cascade (7%)1 oz.3019
3. Amarillo (9.3%)0.5 oz.00
4. Cascade (7%)0.5 oz.00
5. Grapefruit juicefrom 6 grapefruits00
6. Amarillo (9.3%)0.5 oz.Dry hop (1 week)0
7. Cascade (7%)0.5 oz.Dry hop (1 week)0
8. Grapefruit zestfrom 3 grapefruitsDry hop (1 week)0

Calculated IBUs          40

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