Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fruity, piney pale ale

Appearance – Orangish brown, or maybe brownish orange in color. Just a touch below what I would call a rich color. Very clear/transparent. Two finger white head with some staying power that leaves behind slight lacing.

Aroma – Rich sticky sweet aroma. Malty (caramel) aromas come through as do fruity hop aromas. Fruits are of the tropical variety: mango, pineapple. Slight piney aroma.

Taste – Strong rich malty flavor is most readily identifiable. Caramel/honey-like flavor is predominant. Balanced well with hop character – pine and fruity hop flavors. I would say this beer is right in the middle between malty and hoppy – very well balanced. All of the flavors are pretty robust.

Mouthfeel – Rich body that lingers on the palate. Medium level of carbonation makes it still pretty easy drinking.

Balance is the general impression of this beer. Great brew!


Recipe Name:         Fresh pine pale ale

Recipe Volume:      5 gallons

Yeast:                     WLP001 California Ale

1. Pilsner malt8 lbs.
2. Vienna malt2 lbs.
3. Carapils8 oz.
4. Crystal 608 oz.
5. Acid malt3 oz.

Brewhouse Efficiency                      70%
Calculated Original Gravity            1.052
Caclulated Boil Gravity                   1.046
Measured Original Gravity              1.052
Measured Final Gravity                   1.008

Hops:AmountBoil TimeIBUs
1. Simcoe (13.0%)0.4 oz.6017
2. Amarillo (9.3%)0.5 oz.105
3. Simcoe (13.0%)0.6 oz.109
4. Cascade (7.0%)0.5 oz.104
5. Amarillo (9.3%)0.5 oz.00
6. Cascade (7.0%)0.5 oz.00
7. Simcoe (13.0%)1 oz.Dry hop
8. Cascade (7.0%)1 oz.Dry hop

Calculated IBUs          35

Bonus photo!

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