Sunday, January 25, 2015

Wild yeast (Brett) IPA

This is the second beer that I have made with 100% wild yeast (Brettanomyces). I have a feeling it won't be the last...

Appearance – Golden-red in color. Slightly hazy. Pours a white, one finger head that dissipates rapidly leaving behind some lacing.

Aroma – Extremely fruity! Strong peach and tropical fruit. Lots of pineapple. Strong mango. Nothing else comes through. The fruity favors are very prominent. This beer has almost a fruit punch-like nose to it.

Taste – Again, very fruity. Tropical fruit and peach flavors flavors dominate. Mango and pineapple come through first, followed by a sweet caramel-like malt flavor. Bitterness is superbly balanced, and the finish (which has a tendency to be harsh in a lot of IPAs) is very smooth and nice.

Mouthfeel – Medium-heavy body. Carbonation isn’t all that high, lending to overall smooth impression of the beer.

Quite possibly the best beer we have made yet and definitely the best IPA. I couldn’t be happier with this one! The wild yeast really did a fantastic job blending with the fruity hops that I used. The two worked in tandem to make something very special.

Recipe Name:         Wild Yeast (Brett) IPA

Recipe Volume:      5 gallons

Yeast:                     WLP644 Brettanomyces Bruxellensis Trois

1. Pilsner malt6 lbs.
2. Vienna malt6 lbs.
3. Carapils12 oz.
4. Honey malt12 oz.
5. Crystal 1012 oz.
6. Flaked corn12 oz.

Brewhouse Efficiency                      70%
Calculated Original Gravity            1.076
Caclulated Boil Gravity                   1.061
Measured Original Gravity              1.059
Measured Final Gravity                   1.017

Hops:AmountBoil TimeIBUs
1. Nugget (14.3%)0.6 oz.6024
2. Mosaic (12.5%)1.2 oz.2024
3. Simcoe (13.0%)0.5 oz.106
4. Amarillo (9.3%)0.7 oz.106
5. Cascade (7%)1.0 oz.00
6. Simcoe (13.0%)1.5 oz.Dry hop
7. Cascade (7.0%)1.0 oz.Dry hop
8. Mosaic (12.5%)0.8 oz.Dry hop
9. Amarillo (9.3%)0.3 oz.Dry hop

Calculated IBUs          61

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